What is considered a comfortable wage in NYC? $25/hr ? $30/hr? $40/hr?
Commercial Space on Hancock
Lease expiring soon.. what's the current rent market looking like?
I’m not as proud as I should be of my family tree.
Do Germans like black people???
2ND Citizenship
AirSculpt and/or fat transfer to breasts experiences?
Anything left at Macy's Downtown brooklyn?
Nice while it lasted -- dining shed has been removed from Chez Oskar
Anyone else’s apartment shaking??
Bridal Bouquet only
As someone with contamination OCD, please don’t think too deeply about this stuff
What's it like having universal health care?
Electric bill at $200-400??
Mostly vegan brunch catering?
Recommendations please: electrician, plumber and contractor in BedStuy
Guests wearing shoes in the house?
Women who are always mistaken for being younger than their age, what's your secret?
What’s a hygiene tip you stand by?
Does anyone else clean their apartment/house before a cleaning service comes?
HAND car wash?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Great soup dumplings on Fulton
Sky Writing?
Direct to Passport success (NYC consulate)