An observation
Hopefully we get more live shows and with that more live real life CUGs
My lil boi in a blanky
The Lizard duelist you are playing against pulls this move, what do you do?
New series suggestions
Let's goooooo
For is it real or is it satire
Katera TV serija, ki nima 167 sezon, ampak 1, 2, 3, max 5,6 je res vredna ogleda? Končana ali nekončana
Finally, after a year and a half of being a Mini owner I got my first rule #1!
My numero uno this year!
sorry if repeat but pls watch tool academy uk 🙏🏾
I just want my owl back 🥲
Kje kupite darila ročne izdelave slovenskega porekla?
KOL are my number 1 who’s next…we love Mumford & Sons and The Lumineers. Who you got ?
Frick you, Bobby!
What are some other YouTubers like Cody Ko that we can watch?
appreciation post for KOL
Prenos Evrovizije 2024
Mitski in Dublin
TLIIASAW Tour - Ticket Exchange Megathread!
IM BACK sorry I made Gundy art instead of studying for one of my grad exams tomorrow
Cow viewing in Slovenia ideas?
Kam po piercing?
what are the odds?