Feedback on my beginner Sidar Jabari/Knights deck
How can precons be priced at approximately 50% of the total card value?
Help a recovering WoW player find something new
Got Elite in my first season actually pushing. It took 1600 rounds.
Made my boyfriend a Hearthstone replica out of clay :)
AIO boyfriend says this is inappropriate outfit
any advice on growing a bigger chest?
Is dying ok ? - Feel bad after dying
Lex hits a new low (again….): Condemns Zelenskyy’s conduct in their recent interview
Is JPWORGEN working on Anniversary Realms yet?
Does this resonate?
Share hardcore warrior tips
Svenska folket måste vakna ur ISK-hypnosen
Cody posted!!!!
I (Gatekeeping Loser) Was Allotted Less Than 30 Seconds to Type
Anybody with ADHD and trading?
A total newbie on a path to learn squat ,( only used to smith machine now venturing into barbell ) please guide me o veterans correct me where I'm wrong
Best automatic window opener?
255x4 @RPE 7 (I think)
I saw this on twitter, thoughts?
Brian Tyler Cohen is starting Chorus Media
Gap in learning resources
Do we really need to sleep so much?
Is this what it’s like being perfect?!
D&D Tracker Boards!