Men; do you feel sexy? When was the last time you felt like you were sexy or attractive and *truly* believed it?
People who live in the valdosta area, whats a place that's actually cool/fun to go to that isn't recoil/the mall?
what are words that have been utterly ruined by the internet?
People who used to be Christian but are now Atheist what made you change?
"Men are simple creatures" What are your best examples of that statement?
What's and insult that can really FUCK with someone's mind?
You have intruders in your house and are heavily armed & prepared. What song do you tell Alexa to play?
Let's say that your username is the cause or your death, what will happen to you?
Women, what is a major turn off when it comes to romantic/sexual relationships?
What's the "we don't talk about that." in your family?
If reddit existed 200 years ago, which questions would be trending?
Why does he look faded as hell?
Describe you favorite Tyler song with one word or one bar
what do you think is the best part about Earl's music?
artists, what was you "I told you so" moment when you got popular?
who keep giving these kids computers bro
What was your "Oh shit." moment?
Do you sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? Why?
He need to drop an album. it's getting ridiculous
Why is he NOT in my favorites
just turned on idlsidgo ts gotta be fire
Atheists, what was your biggest "told you so." moment when shutting down a an aggressive Christian?
I hate this
My schools textbook definition of rape
hey I'm new here and thought to share a personal experience I had earlier this year so hope you enjoy (Sorry for lack of proper punctuation and/or grammar.)