On this day, which would have been my late mama's 71st birthday her magnolia tree bloomed. Finally.
If you were given a chance to turn back time, would you accept it? Why or why not?
What’s the worst possible response to “I love you”?
If you had to wear a t-shirt with your most used phrase, what would your shirt say?
Please choose your favorite girl name from this list
Good cobbler needed
Now you see me, now you don't!
Art of {From Best to Bested by M.N. Bennet}
New year's wishes
Tell me your old vintage grandma names
What do you call this in your language
Made this necklace myself
That's unusual....oh!
Menageatrois. They named their daughter that
My mini zoo
The future of tragedeigh names
What's this
Can someone explain Korean names to me?
My study/Office
My 12 year old loves telling me about the tragedeighs at her school. Today she sent me this from her school bus.
WWTBC BDSM romance
Cuddling/cockwarming/comfort-seeking between MCs who don’t talk about it
Throwback to Jan 2024 when this guy joined my mini zoo
Bharat gas dealer demanding extra for Cylinder delivery