Now THIS is a Conspiracy Theory that I would want to see end up coming true😳
Holy shit its an actually humorous joke by a Left Wing Economist?? No way😨😨😨
AAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh noooo a Fascist Austrian economist got upset, what are we gonna do???💀💀💀
Damn didnt know this community was this based wtf??😨
Easily my favorite trend of this decade
these sims have been stuck here since my first generation… i’m onto my third now
Die Partei ist der Wahnsinn🤣
Entwicklung der Sonntagsfrage
What would you add?
Georgism to-do list
What's better (or worse than a 2 steel mill complex? 4 Steel mills!
i may or may have only just now caught up with the that's my streamer vinny episode
So is Evo Morales a honorary Tankie now because he is trying to circumvent Democracy?
Discussion: Stop asking EA to improve The Sims 3
there are two types of cs players and this is my taste.
It's finally happened - an author who's PROUD not to read
Official Handbook of Austrian Men
Who is your favorite Hollywood creep?
David Cage’s Toxic Legacy: Why Quantic Dream’s Auteur is the Worst in Gaming
Be realistic, what are you doing in this situation???
Favorite whitewash casting choice?
Und wieder ist die Linken beim Thema Sicherheit für mich raus.