Why don't they play "best friend" anymore?
I'm ready! 💎
Tyler's teleportation?
Tour announced!! On sale Friday 10/18
What is your favorite lyric from paradise state of mind?
See You in the Afterlife has 2.4 million streams and counting!
PSOM BONUS TRACK! - 12 Rabies Shmabies
Tour and merch
SYITA is currently on FTP's "Popular" section
Figured I'd tier list too. Can you tell I love Supermodel?
New Article From Grammy.com
Got my signed CD!
One Must Go (Day One)
Hey FTP fans! Tell us a bit about yourself.
PSOM album art?
How would you rank PSOM among their other albums?
My thoughts on Paradise State of Mind
We're Foster The People. Our new album Paradise State of Mind is out now! Ask us anything!
My ranking of Paradise State Of Mind
I liked all the songs. But one’s my favourite
Where are you in your life now that PSoM released?
Favourite song(s) from PSOM and why
“Paradise State of Mind” — Album Discussion Thread
Chasing Low Vibrations