"Great Shot, Kid! That was one in a million!" -Han Solo
My team is staffed
Rate/flame my kit
No way this is legit
Announcers mentioning Usernames of last seasons best players!
Goodbye season 4, hola season 5
A friend of mine said OP12 is a flop model. Called 12r a successful model🤣🤣. Suggested me to go for the exynos S24 and he is buying iPhone 16 pro max. What do i call him?🤡
App stuck in loop because of comment.
Mob of the dead high round is crazy
hero portraits
First time reaching godly. Baby is a underrated monster
How to auto apply hyper rendering and boosted framerates ?
Playing Part 2 for the first time on Grounded mode?
Soundboks 3 vs Partybox 310 for someone like me ?
What is one infp trait that you wish was more acceptable in today's society? 👀
If living in Paris was a video game, what advice would be on the loading screen?
S22 Ultra is maddeningly slow and laggy! Switching to a Pixel
Combat Master : Pit Viper vs Alpha
Which bluetooth headphones should I choose ?
Should I make my ex regret it ?
Can I replace my Mamba Wireless' dongle ?
Which phone should I buy ?
Is the MXR18 a good value for beginners ?
Is Devialet good ?
This meme is literally the literal embodiment of INFPs