Monster Hunter Wilds Benchmark Working on linux (Also Frame Gen)
Last post Blew up! So I'm giving away a copy of Wilds!
This is huge. This guy always does amazing stuff and now does literal generational work for community.
Finally screen share on Wayland
I'm giving away two copies of Monster Hunter: Wilds
They Warned And Even Said It In The Video
Is there a way to move the toolbar on spectacle? (KDE's screenshot tool)
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and 4G have exited beta testing!
Welcome back to 2013! The MH3U and 3G DLC servers for 3DS are available publicly again!
does marvel rivals eat performance or are my drivers tweaking?
PSA - Regarding Gun Aiming Rework
Should i improve it?
Black Widow is kinda cracked
From all the games what was one monster part that was just an absolute nightmare to get.
How do people have such good graphics on MHFU?
In twelve years of playing, this is the worst luck I've ever had.
Melanistic and Albino Seikret by Cloudya
Really enjoying the wilds demo
[URGENT] Stay off of youtube to avoid massive wilds spoilers.
[Question] How to block posts from my feed that have more than 5 Hashtags?
Blue Sky Monster hunter Feeds. (For those that want to leave twitter).
I'm interested in hearing the horror stories old gen hunters have of the big feesh! So share my fellow hunters! And also tell me why he should totally return in wilds!
Quick Reminder: There are no rules for Returning Monsters