As a woman playing Bloodborne
Ok I’m having a weird day, why’s this guy red? It doesn’t spawn here right?
Have you noticed a lot of misogyny towards British women on social media?
Hope you have life insurance.
18M in Islamabad who's currently homeless. Need some advice please.
if you had to choose one song that encapsulates older gen z
If America was to invade Iran following a hypothetical assassination of Trump, would Pakistan interfere as an ally or be neutral?
JF 17 block III for sale 10 million dollars (5 million discount)
Spoke my native langauge, Got treated like an alien
why do desi moms compensate for hurting us by making mazay ke khanay
Finished Der Red Max tonight
I'm a Danish woman, born and raised - ama
In praise of teenage boys
Name a game you truly enjoyed but never returned to after you'd beaten it.
Did you do a Masters degree? Or are you doing one now?
Your not a real adult unless you accept NSFW furries
Firebombing thwarted, ‘F*** Jews’ graffitied on homes, cars in Randwick and Kingsford as anti-Semitic attacks continue
Was it a mistake to make Urdu the national language?
Memory lane: What were you doing in 2017?
What games did my fellow Gen Zers grow up on?
Seal money spread
Is Britain becoming more hostile towards Islam?
Emily Damari: Freed British-Israeli hostage tells PM she was held in UNRWA facilities and denied access to medical care
It’s official: Islamic blasphemy laws have come to Britain