Dear Selena players, how do you feel about her buff
Why tutorial bot keep base hugging each time i try turn on the bot after a kill it runs away and never comes back
An "all around" roamer ?
Best combo heroes for 2v2 tournaments
New epic skin survey for Edith
I need your very own cons about Edith. Because I think I can't find it by my own
Congratulations, Edith, you are finally getting your first skin!
Any Edith mains can help me with the build
What's going on? NSFW pictures deleted?
Do you think the epic skin can hold up to his collector?
if you had to draft a solid team from tanks only, who and in which role would you choose?
What hero adjustment that made you hate the hero or stoped playing them?
What are some notoriously bad heroes?
Edith or Arlott or bene
How can I win with feeders?
How to get Kishin Desentsu skin the cheapest way?
Started using Alucard lately. Here's the build I use and my emblem.
For the love of god
i cant play baxia in jungle for the life of me☠️☠️
This happening to anyone
What country is this? Wrong answers only
Who's the easiest jungler to play that's still viable in Mythic+ ranks?
Recently switched from hok to mlbb. This was my journey to mythic. AMA
Why dont I see much Baxia?