The passing of time... Pointless
Good night bajs
Favorite Command and Conquer Expansions Poll
Don’t know who this guy is, probably not Forsen, since he didn’t drop the game at the very first inconvenience (but who is Forsen anyway?). That said, the ultrawide monitor meta is really great. What do you think bajs?
One of the best additions to this game would be an option to enable fog of war in multiplayer
We back to WC3 bois
DotA 7.38 - Wandering Waters
a wow ed
Strange UFO in C&C: Red Alert: Aftermath - Mission: Don't Drink The Water Someone please tell me what is this invisible UFO-like thing that flies around the map chaotically, can't be attacked, and shoots lightning bolts at my units very quickly?
The remove all (Armor/ES/Evasion) from Sanctum must not exist, or get nerfed to become lose 50% debuff at the minimum.
old sketch
0.1.1d Patch Notes
Can anyone confirm the use of the "Damage Bonus" on Resistant Skin?
Man how am I supposed to loot that
PSA: To unlock all your relic slots you need to kill The Feared
Stop saying "this is one of the most underrated..." noone fucking underrates it
What's your excuse bajs?
Action is coming
The Visitor moved on to the next clone
Exodia's weakness is reading
The reason the kill time achievements look insane to the majority of players is because...
I have not seen anyone post it yet, but they have released a Q&A: Your Questions Answered about Stronghold Crusader: Definitive Edition