[AUKEY unknown model] Toll dodger caught on cam. License plate concealment device. Orlando.
What does banter mean here?
My teacher insists that the answer is 5, but I think it’s 3. (Question 63)
He's probably gonna get detention for that
Egg shortage at Whole Foods Hudson Yards today
Any LASD deputies here? Is this LA county? It might be East LA College. If so, what the hell can that punk ass Security white shirt do in this situation? Do they have direct orders to not use force?
why are objects gendered in spanish?
Worst bar in JC
Why are people donating so much junk ?
What jobs can I do while in school?
Half used lotion anyone?
Where to Find Roommates?
Questionable Negotiation Tactics
Is "Tengo que lavar mi coche" gramaticaly incorrect?
A Judge Tried to Get Out of Jury Duty. What He Said Cost Him His Job in Upstate NY.
10 years they finally banned me
Does your department still do random drug testing?
Did school let out early today or something there’s teenagers fricking everywhere
Stop these people from stealing my wirkin bag
The wealthiest places in Upstate New York based on median family income
abandoned car—how long before JCPD will tow?
“WTM translated in Spanish”
I don’t want to brag about being loaded, but there will be signs…
Is NYC Rent Really This Bad, or Are We Just Used to It?
Jersey natives please help