Does anyone know what this frog is doing?
Found the longest legged of the daddies I've ever seen at work yesterday. I see them regularly but not usually this big. I know they're not actual spiders but still cool!
My sweet little monster
I accidentally contributed to an individual account instead of my Roth IRA, what do i do?
These balconies have no access to them. Both the windows start AFTER the balcony ends, they don't open into the balcony.
Peter, what is that dog making?
Broken usb port
My first Miata! 2020 Club 6MT with recaros. 3700 miles, new to me! ❤️
If you are gonna get into the Gardening Skill Tree, invest into the Fishkeeping Skill Tree as well.
What would cause this artifact? Could it be related to the fact that I just replaced the thermistor?
I've seen a lot about the potential of a Portal 3 recently. I would like to humbly present my thoughts.
I fell off
Printer stops 10° short of my specified temperature
Found this in the parking lot of the carwash that I work at
Farewell old friend, you served me well
small apartment + two kittens = two kitties politely pooping in one litter box
What film made you say: "Holy shit, there is still 50 minutes left"?
And people think this sub is the best for Karma farming?
It's quiet...too quiet...
DOAWK The Cum Sock: (Page 2)
ms pretty kitty
couldn't sleep, so I microwaved some pizza hut fish nuggets
Oreo Omelette 💀
Houston, we have a problem...
Gunshot survivors of Reddit - What does it feel like to get shot?