I can't stop pooping 😭
America feels a lot like Nazi Germany right now..
Did anyone actually enjoy the first few weeks?
"formula is cheaper than therapy"
Why are facilities letting agency cnas walz in and pass meds??
As an American I feel like I'm in Nazi Germany...
I'm sooooo anxious about going back to work after maternity leave
I hate that the burden of birth control falls on women 😩
Pregnant and working high intensity or ultra structured jobs
Seeing these posts about parents letting baby sleep in car seat made me feel a little guilty
What should you NOT tell a postpartum mom?? I’ll start…
How do you get your water?
Has anyone had a good experience with the nexplanon?
I feel like a total idiot today 🤣
Do you let you baby just lay in bed flapping its arms?
Husband left 3 month old sleeping in carseat at home while he worked across the room for two hours
Experience with nexplanon?
Fellow PPD mamas, did meds help?
Things you DIDN’T need ?
Would it be so bad to just be done with breastfeeding?
A baby Brezza being $200 is wild 🤣
How do you increase your supply as baby gets older?
Exclusively pumping makes me pregnancy tired again 😩
It. Gets. So. Much. Better.
My 6 week old is CRUSHING 6oz bottles 😭