What will disappear?
I have to admit I'm not super well-versed in the comics, but is there a history of green kryptonite giving regular people powers outside of Smallville?
Pick a superpower but someone else has to describe how you got it
Whats ur definitive Titans roster? Phil Cho art
Pick a number and I’ll give you an image
I will Devil's Advocate weak characters
Wich would you choose?
Best wood in minecraft?
Which characters death will hurt you the most?
You have to based your power off of 1 scientific principle. What do you choose?
Who wins?
Villains that DO have a tragic past... but are so vile, they don't even bother to use it as a reason for their actions
Protagonists so skilled they gain a title purely through reputation
You prefer meatballs or a meat sauce with your pasta?
You prefer meatballs or a meat sauce with your spaghetti?
This meme came to me in a dream last night
What is name of the town in Gravity Falls?
Pretend I’m a Garchomp. Ask me anything.
If you were to make a live-action Spider-Man, what stage of the character would you like to adapt?
Who was your Nintendo childhood crush?
Do you think your parents could have done a good job at raising Kal-El?
Man of steel is a good movie but not a good superman movie
Choose any one superpower and someone else has to give Batman’s contingency plan for you.
Favorite Commonly Misgendered Character?