Rachel desperately trying to build an audience using Sierra’s name
Alexa Sunshine Newest Video
Was there a new episode tonight?
Okay, she’s loosing weight for sure
Low weights?
yesterdays vlog “living alone”
What does everyone think about the hair extensions?
She really made this video... again *eyeroll
I'm sorry but I laughed out loud at the 1lb weights.
Sisi’s skin??
Latest vlog
Carrie bingo!!
TryPod Post Time
More proof that there’s beef
Starting to thin out
she rly thought she did something
Things she should think twice about posting
Who Has The Worst Red Flag?
Carrie's "Glow Up" Vlog - Don't Vlog and Drive
Sierra in Max documentary
I’m convinced there is beef somewhere
If Carrie Ever Decided to Pivot Her Content, What Would That Look Like?
Well well well