LPT: if a loved one is taken in an ambulance, do not follow us to the hospital. Go there on your own time and own route.
Built a Chili’s
Where to buy cool, somewhat affordable suit?
Tiny hole on outer side of foot that's super painful. Any ideas?
What if
My mother asked, "Do you WANT your daughter to hate you?" Is it that bad?
How do you feel about child free weddings?
How do you feel about your current spouse? If you could do it all over again, would you marry them?
Am I overreacting?
I don't know where my marriage stands
Has anyone seen anything like this before?
Advice Needed - My soon to be mother in low just asked me if she can renew her vows at our wedding
AIO to my gf being bisexual
We listen and we don’t judge (MW Edition)
Grammys update
Is our non-traditional wedding weekend a poor guest experience?
Too short for the floor?
Aio I think I was drugged last night
I guess I’m (part of) the problem 😂😂
Manipulated into picking up dinner?
i'm the problem was a letdown :/
GA Pit Tickets
I hate ticketmaster
Question on reserved seats
Album release