Suggest Some Gym Meal Delivery Services in Manipal.
No option to apply for B.Tech in main campus
Can Someone Drop Mandavi Emrald’s Brokers’ Number?
Does ragging happen at Manipal?
Hair issues due to block water!!
Damn the no of people going abroad ?
For those in MUJ Jaipur students
Lose weight by April 30
Good deal? Have used it for a month , no bloating , no bitching sensation, tastes strange but i just gulp it bottoms up.
anyone from block 9 wanna meet up?
Is my left chest smaller than right chest?
wtf are his eyes doing????? Multitasking??? (Im extremely sorry if he actually have strabismus)
Is there any "Bring your own bag of chips" in manipal?
India lost the AI race?
Bitsat 25 resources
Anyone Got Laser Treatment from KMC?
Need Info about Mandavi Emerald.
Are X-Ray's Free in KMC?? Is it covered under Student Care?
Its Personal Now
That The Line We Don’t Cross Here.
Finally satisfied being alone.
22M, and dis is my arm
Coachings are overrated
A Comprehensive Overview of MIT Bengaluru
Found this in spam. Is this real? I haven't viewed or possessed anything as said