Baby wearing for walks
When did you have your first ultrasound??
Gained all the weight in first trimester and nothing since, is this common?
What do you do to prevent preeclampsia?
Pre workout?
What’s the stupidest/most annoying thing your in-laws have said to you during pregnancy?
Realized my baby name was a cartoon character…
Newborn photoshoot at JCPenny?
TikTok Negative Space
Prenatal supplements for someone who can't swallow pills
Accidentally took vitamins together
When does this feel real?
I feel like most of my workouts are off limits now
[WWTBC] He owns a sex club, she works for an influencer
He owns a sex club, she works for a social media influencer
What on earth is she doing
Whiny males in HOFAS?
Lululemon Sports Bra
Is Lary no longer creative director or….
Becker BEC IT
Where Do I Find My Score??
Has to complain about something