Has Musk bought propaganda in Canada?
What the hell is Shultz carrying in Hogan's Heroes?
YPG franken-tank - T55 hull with a BMP-1 turret.
My bubble gun has 69 holes
UCP-D came through my shop
Would you avoid going to concerts by US bands now that we are cancelling everything American?
You heard the man, now speak up
Man the U.S team sucks so bad. They let the Soviets capture Bohemia HQ and now the servers are down smh
Motorboat installed with 14.5mm anti-aircraft gun, from Vietnam
I wonder which leader will blink first 🤔
Picture of Munich during the Beer Hall Putsch, a failed coup d'etat by Nazi Party, 1923 (colorized)
Russian Army, cutting leg without any medical support. Crazy video. Strongly without unhealty heart, do not watch.
We got Pikachu at home.
Poor guy
I just heard the heartbreaking news about PEI sinking into the ocean, where did you and your families escape to?
Found this at a nearby Tim Hortons for the first time ever, and it might be my new favorite amonst regular donuts.
Which one is the best? #3
not sure if this is a hot take or not…
Mod’s are asleep. Post actual B52’s
camoheads when the airsofter wears his dad’s UCP instead of Tropical Wakandan cheeksplitter
When I spawn in cars from this car pack they have their lights partially on and I cannot turn them on or off.
Deep seek on Taiwanese independence.
Pls help
One word only