Lu Bu Ultimate Warrior
Why is it shallow for a woman to have income standards in a partner if she wants children/ a family
Lu Bu kicks down your front door, calls you a worm and says you can only play one Musou game for the rest of your life. Which one do you choose?
Men dont care about men’s issue.
Cannot control recoil
I have to ask everyone.. Who is the one character? The one who drew you in and has remained your favorite through the DW series
People simply don't understand each other, and this impacts empathy
Are men actually putting in effort when it comes to dating, or do they just think it should be easy?
The manosphere does not care about men's issues: Trump screws over men
Did Dynasty Warriors Origins change your view on Characters?
The One True Hero
Feminists are just mad at TRP men for gaming the system that Feminism created
Guys never make an effort.. i’m tired and don’t understand
Zhao Yun position
Guys here seem to want to berate women to choose better but then coddle undesirable men.
Q4Men: how would you feel if your wife made these typically “male” comments/ posts online?
You cant claim “Men take responsibility more” in a sub where men cant be blamed for anything.
If TRPillers were honest with what they´re saying, they would have 0 issue with single women, cat ladies, sluts etc.
Paternity fraud is DV and women who oppose paternity tests are abusers.
Why this pressure to pretend for dating?
My wife has a collection of 'intimate' photos on her phone. She didn't send them to me, Is she cheating?
Many men are fine with “misandrist” stereotypes as long as it targeted towards men they view as an out group.
The Anti-Woke is now just bigots and neckbeards.
What is meant by "women live on easy mode"?
Is Colorful Dyed Hair as disliked by men as it appears to be online and why?