Coughing Baby vs Hydrogen Bomb, Who Are You Saving?
How based was Hitler?
if super smash bros 6 happens can we agree that not everyone will return?
How many of you guys actually believe in the Earth being hollow?
I wish mosquito bites weren't itchy or painful anymore.
Man, they stole my ____. Can't have shit in Detroit.
what is it, my friend and I were just playing Minecraft when suddenly I saw this building, we didn't build it at all, it's also phantom, that is, transparent
What’s a sign that someone is way smarter than they look like?
I just born today, when silksong?
Such a pleasant morning 🎵
such a lovely place…
Sysiphus' Dilema
pretty bad mistake
Biggest plot twist ever…
Painted this bad boy lately 💀
throwback to ratemyprofessor
How would you handle the unstackable items issue?
Fair compromise
In Breaking Bad, Walter White turns to drug dealing due to the greed of insurance companies and the failures of the American healthcare system.
I hope she made lotsa ___!
Petition to change the name of r/AskOuija to r/Ask_____.
Spirits, what is the highest price you'll pay for a couch? I'm broke.