underrated charlotte outfits i love pt 2
Okay be honest...how many times did you rewind this? 😆
Sienna Shep Whitney
We knew what happened, but I never thought they would show Laura Moser like this:
In your opinion, what seasons are the "golden age" of SC?
Capt Jason promo’s are giving me the ick.
Shep shows content from an entire trip/event that got removed from this season
Where’s Heather?
This guy...
325 Gretna Green Way
This is straight up weird!
Since when were 70s babies seniors?!
When did you know that Carrie was a bit
Bella Hadid is said to have one of the most attractive faces proven “scientifically.” Do you agree or disagree?
Well are you??
Theory and possible spoilers
Anyone know who lives in Nicole’s condo now? Or Rockingham?
How ironic!
Familiar face when watching a show on the food network
Could the Goldman family request to reopen the case?
S4 Ep 16 - Ring A Ding Ding: Are we having the wrong discussion about this episode?
OJ Documentary
After watching the Netflix doc...
I hope the big bad kill is resolved this season and not leaving us a cliffhanger into S2