Mielőtt valakit felhívsz, átgondolod előtte fejben, hogy mit szeretnél mondani? Ha igen, miért?
Milyen nyaralásos horror sztoritok van?
Hogyha lehetnél híres, szeretnél az lenni és ha igen, mivel?
Ti mit tartotok az élet legfurább fintorának?
How do you deal with being a failure?
Harry's parents were only 21 when they died??
Well then?
What is a character that is written so you're meant to feel one way towards them, but you actually feel the opposite about them?
Why wasn’t the horcrux destroyed?
What is Voldemort's real name in your language
I made a Harry Potter fanart! Tell me who is your favorite character
What happened to Professor Quirrell after The Philosopher’s Stone? Did he go to Azkaban or did they kill him?
Coffee rings and other stains
Voldemort and Umbridge
I’ve been no contact for years
I unfriended
I know nothing about Harry Potter, ask me anything
I thought I had a budgie not a bat xD
That doesn’t count
Choose 3 people to protect you and the rest are trying to kill you.
What are some signs you need to leave the party?