Can you guess this place !
This TV is completely free, but it has two screens, one of which always displays ads.
My dad was an illegal immigrant. AMA
he does not drive with partially open doors
WIBTA If I complained about my older colleague getting easier shifts?
How often does autocorrect actually work in your favor? It's fucking useless!!
Do you believe in out of body experiences and why/why not?
Should I ignore this girl?
A worldwide disaster happens like a zombie apocalypse, infrastructure is slowly going away including internet what do you do?
This avocado that's 90% seed.
How do you stay fit while taking care of a newborn?
Why did Kamala lose (really)?
AITAH for not agreeing with my family politically ?
AITA for ruining Shrek for my friends by explaining in horrifying detail what Fiona probably did with Dragon to survive?
Got my euro mount!!!
CUP CHECK!! How many cups/glasses/mugs are in your room right now?
Flag flown upside down as sign of distress outside of US State Department building
Colorado's Democratic senators vote to confirm fossil fuel CEO Chris Wright as Energy Secretary
I am a childless woman in my 40s. AMA.
What is one thing that is destroying our world?
How do these D.A.'s live with themselves?
If a male ejaculated in space, would he be propelled backwards upon ejaculation?
Local Liquor stores in Canada
What do you do when you are bored?
What happened to your first crush?