What is a lot harder than people realize ?
What game did you put thousands of hours into just to quit one day? What caused you to quit?
Identify this disease
Identify disease please
Whats that?
"Notice the feelings, like leaves on a river. Call them what they are, then let them go, let them float down the river past you. Don't judge yourself for having them, and don't engage with them. Simply acknowledge them, let them go, and move on."
What's something you hate but still do it ?
Worst sportsmanship attitude
I don't think Stoicism is applicable in this day and age and location.
What does purpose mean to you?
The three faces of truth
What tastes so good you can’t believe it’s healthy?
What really matters at the end of the life?
Is there a way stoics deal with physical pain?
What is a movie everyone keeps insisting is great but you just don’t get the hype?
Anker Power Bank, 325 Portable Charger (PowerCore 20K II) - fast charging
UPSC Civil Service Prelims aspirant was denied entry to her exam centre in Gurugram due to late arrival.
My dads friend saw my room and told him I do drugs
I'm Michael Vaughan. Ask Me Anything!
What's the most overrated thing ?
Guy has got 15 awards for saying ok
I don't know why should I live (this is only partially about suicide, not fully)