I just realized these are 3 different actors
I finally made it over to NE PA for work. I was able to stop into a Shop Rite and pick up the natural casing varieties of Nathan's and Sabrett, which they don't have where I'm from. I'm excited. I also picked up some pork roll because I've never tried it before.
Here we go
In 20 years, we will have movies about American Military personnel having PTSD from blowing up Gazans. Who should play the lead?
Willem Dafoe’s video game penis was also too strange to portray
Why have they not reviewed this obvious 5 bagger?
Daniel Day-Lewis playing Barack Obama in Steven Spielberg's Obama
Inaudible instrument go brrrrr
Kids do NOT like jazz, nor should they
I work in a pizza restaurant
I was surprised
What did Tony Iommi mean by this?
I found Nixon alt account
Some Offseason Perspective: Here's what $765,000,000 looks like compared to $2.3M — BOTH these players signed contracts in the NL East this offseason, as premier LFers in their mid-20s
[Murray] Source: Jarred Kelenic, Braves settle at $2.3 million, avoiding arbitration.
Wiley Ballard wins NSMA Georgia Sportscaster of the Year
I don’t get today’s comic?
mfer thought people were gonna pay to see this shit
A Love Supreme
look at my lawyer dawg, i’m going to jail 😭
John Coltrane Love Supreme
What'd you say?
Elon Musk Must Return $56 Billion Tesla Pay Package, Judge Rules
Owen Burns: the 13-year old hero from Michigan, who saved his 8-year sister from a vicious attack with a slingshot. He struck the attacker on the chest and head. Perpetrator was later identified with an egg-sized knob on his forehead.
Dark Heart Mother
What are some popular songs that were direct shots at certain Presidents?
What if Warren G and George Clinton lived to collaborate?
Just found out Rivers Cuomo's father Frank Cuomo played drums on a Wayne Shorter Album. Is this why Weezer sucks?