what happens when you don't enjoy solo travel?
Which countries have remained affordable/gone down in price over the last couple of years?
Even shaman pirate rogue secret mage even shaman pirate rogue secret mage even shaman pirate rogue secret mage
Buffing Wild Cards: The Grand Tournament
Who is interested in role playing scenarios like this tank convoy? I know it’s not ideal and the try hards will shout it down but is an absolute dopamine drip.
My fellow Reno-only players
But Why The Renathal?!
Worth buying mid 2015 MacBook Pro? I7, 16g ram and a GPU?
I'm calling it right now this list is going to be nasty on day 1
4 months solo travelling around South East Asia
waited 10 minutes to destroy that tiger, revenge is taken
What side hustles?
What do you tell them?
who is the most famous person from your hometown?
"We also discussed banning Illuminate or Neptulon, but we ultimately decided that these cards didn't quite meet the high bar set for bans in the format."
What's the least touristy country you've ever been to?
What is the one spot in your region that all tourists visit but barely any locals?
Ultra runners with 9-5 jobs - tell me your stories
What is your job that allows you to onebag frequently?
What is your most played deck this season?
Derelict building we visited surrounded by fog at the top of Bokor Mountain in Cambodia...
Realistic budget for 8-12 trip in SEA?
Backpacking Party Routes at 30
Men who have taken or take anabolic steroids, what is it like?
Men who have lived alone, what was your best memory being alone?