Combined genealogical table of all the Elves and Men from the Silmarillion, made by me. I hope it helps those starting to read the Silmarillion for the first time.
What was the plan if they never found the ring?
Composite map of Beleriand and 3rd Age Middle Earth made by me
Composite map of Beleriand and 3rd age Middle Earth made by me
Songs with male growls and clean female voices ?
Make the comments look like Gimli’s search history:
If Gandalf and Sauron are both Maiar, why is Sauron so much more powerful?
2013 editions from Brazil
Gandalf reading in the library of Minas Tirith, a piece I'm working on. Pencils first here but to be inked. OG art
Non-tolkien books?
What is one thing you liked about the Hobbit movies?
My collection
Different types of death
Updated collection
Sweet was her singing then, and her heart was beating!
Ring a dong dillo
Why are Morrow book sizes not the same as Harper Collins? Those extra 3-4mm really annoy me
Which Tolkien names would you actually use for IRL baby names?
Does anyone know where this is from?
They look like a pop group from the early 2000s 🎬✨
Yes but usually birds don’t fall
Do y‘all have suggestions?
The Halo Effect - March of the Unheard