Is it one of those 'official worst day of the year's dates today or something? Everyone I've seemed to meet today has been in a right stinker of a mood?
My partner found our first bottle stopper today!!
Ear wax / mites?
How did you find downsizing?
AITA for kicking my boyfriend out because he “forgot” about my allergy?
AITA for deciding not to accept my neighbor delivery anymore
AITA for breaking my wife’s routine?
Dudes be like “DEI is ruining America” when their Dad got them a job…
TIFU by putting my IQ score on my resume
How would you answer the dreaded "Give me a fun fact about yourself"?
For a first timer (intentionally collecting), how's this? I was really pleased, and found myself to be quite lucky!
we do flea treatments and i’ve never seen fleas on him. could this be allergy related??
How to just grit my teeth each day?
The liberation of Auschwitz Concentration camp happened 80 years ago today
WIBTA if I made my partner get rid of their dog?
AITA for not reconnecting with my estranged family, for the sake of getting a marriage proposal? My boyfriend insists on meeting my parents, but I’m estranged from my entire family.
My kids refuse to name this baby girl Blackeye. Reddit, give us some appropriate names
Monday Mornin’ M’Thread (20 Jan 25)
Golden patina glass...
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen on public transport?
AITA for asking my boyfriend to text me before calling me
I am at my wit's end
Four months ago, we rescued three feral kittens. They’re still feral and I have no idea what to do.
AITA Wife wants to travel without luggage for valentines, I do not.