Battery powered toothbrush slowly blowing up?
Monday 28th in Hamburg
Safeboxen 15W limit in practice
Pension tapering options
Kodi HEVC/x265 playback crashes on RPi 4/DietPi
Any ever hitchhiked across Canada
Does a 250ton tungsten rod Re-entry speed: 24,581 mph have more energy than the largest nuclear weapon?
What to do with excess money when ahead of schedule?
Autoverzekering fout geweigerd - heb ik recht om compensatie?
Is this okay? I need advice because I’m not sure if this is okay.
Has anyone else noticed a sharp increase in the amount of pedestrians just walking out onto the road in front of incoming traffic without even looking or paying attention in the last few years?.
Charged undisclosed fee on transfer between HSBC and Wise, each one stating the other has charged the fee
Wife's glasses destroyed at work
Employer stating I have to make up hours that they missed
Advice on Dad’s Whiskey Investment
Wie heeft de oplossing voor mijn te-kleine-schoenen-met-sentimentele-waarde-probleem?
A Different Space Elevator Falling From a Terrorist Attack
1 Hour Mix of Music that I've created over the past 4 years
To the lorry drivers - what is the most dangerous thing a car driver does that is a common occurrence
Just stretching a chocolate donut
Kristallnacht in Amsterdam herdacht: 'Mensen hebben niet veel geleerd'
Nederlanders die in het buitenland verblijven, gaan jullie stemmen?
Mobile Phone Bill of over £12,000. Urgent Help Required.
Prospective employer wants social media passwords
People knocking on doors asking to see phones to speed up WiFi?