[Art] Destronaut by KENT
What if Kazumasa lived?
Why my game is like that help
Are There Any Other Series You Are Currently Following?
NG+ now or in a couple years?
What is the main reason that made you read or watch csm?
Who do you guys think denji is gonna end up with at the end?
Act like the manga is going on and a cool ass character just got revealed
Wish there was hide helmet option.
If you could go back in time to see something but not influence it, where would you go and why?
Wish list/features for Yotei?
Theory for how the death devil could be defeated
Tone main, am i the ass#ole?
Ryuzo joined forces with Jin?
Anyone have a nice shot in Ryuzo clothes while sitting?
What is the difference between the PS5 Upgrade Pass or the free upgrade?
Colorless Final Volume is Out
Rate The Build And Drip:
Rate the build yall
What have you learnt?
Dad surprised me
This. All the time.
Quanxi fan art
What weapons do yall wish were used in the manga?