It's BMW, not BMW
destiny 2: you can't play it in 3d (this happens in 2024)
Aiming - what happened??? PS5
Giving away 4 early access keys
Giving away 5 early access keys
What affects Freyna's 4th skill?
comment a nice picture of your cat and i'll draw a picture of them :)
Where'd the Loot Go? 😏
Cabal Drop pod issues acknowledged by Bungie ?
Is ult freyna better than ult bunny at mobbing?
Can we agree grinding ultimates via 250-400% dungeons feel better than infiltration?
Removing crafting from seasonal weapons did not do what I think Bungie wanted it to do.
If Bungi allowed us to use more than one exotic weapon at once, what weapons would you choose
Feels like I can count the number of Freynas I've seen (outside of Void Fragment missions) on my two hands
What are we supposed to do in this situation
Sorry about the pixels but was anyone else slightly disappointed with the image for the golden age tech? It looks like a placement image.
Wrong character Nexon, wrong character
Would you guys look at our Salvation's Edge callout methods?
Biggest problem with Twilight Arsenal
Offering my voice!
Implications of the Gambit Update
That one boss is totally who you think it is
Fourth Encounter Explanation
Regarding the new titan exotic: Avoid Radiant, it nerfs damage
No vanilla empty habs (because of mods?)