Why does my Russian tortoise sleep with his head out?
Does he like it? 😄
How does my tortoise look?
The Hamster Wheel: Day 1
Lvl 7 buggy?
I can't get past level 2 of the anniversary, the moustachioed man never accepts the vegetarian pizza 🥲
New event order gives me wrong recipes until i asks them what
Mi volt az a dolog amit a szüleid csináltak amiről azt hitted tök normális de amikor felnőttél rájöttél mennyire nem volt az?
Please help! My tortoise hasn't been eaten at all. I think its been a month
How long can I leave him to soak?
Pizza that DOESNT smell?!
How many rewatches? 🙈😃
Hello, I'm new here... :)
Invisible magician level 5
homeless man's app
Do you know any good substrate heaters?
we still love her though
Is she healthy?
Hermanni :)