Revealed who's gonna play Rockwell in the upcoming "R: The Son of the century" amazon series
Ultimate Batman Meets Absolute Spider-Man by BobbensArtDen
Is Sordland’s Autocratic Path a Disaster Waiting to Happen?
If Richard becomes Ultimate Venom, then this how I think Ultimate Carnage would happen on Earth-6160 with Dylan Brock, but hey that's just a theory,
Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
Ultimate Adventure 2 art by @allnewbenji
Mary Jane (6160) is the best MJ we haven't had in comics in years
If Kennedy lost the 1960 election, would he become resentful like Nixon did in OTL?
Richard and Felicia by @MitsuMangoFA
MJ from rivals and 6160, are the luckiest women in their respective universe
So what do you think The Maker’s main goal is for the new Ultimate Universe?
The ending of the epilogue almost made me tear up ngl
How it feels to believe that May will become Venom's host.
How would Gore's term go without 9/11? Could he win in 2004? Who would he face?
What events of Kaiserreich were likely to have happened in our own timeline?
Spider-Man Used To Be An Ayn Rand Fan
Would Hubert Humphrey Have won if George Wallace didn't run?
I'm surprised by the almost zero amount of WW or TR mods we have.
Pitch me YOUR ultimate series
Do you guys think that issue 17 is gonna be a flashback issue just like issue 5?
Kaiserreich - Eurasian Treaty Organization (1971)
The End of History Prologue Part 1 | Bush's Folly
if these aren't the Things That Never Were
headcanon about Ultimate MJ