Top Comment Decides the Quote! Day: 6 F
Farewell from the Fake Psychologist
انصح وبشدة
rename your favorite historical event as a clickbait youtube title
Stray cats deserve a treat too
Islamic conference coming to Ontario is guided by manifesto calling for 'jihad' and Muslim caliphate
فديو لشباب exjordan الله يهديهم إلى الإسلام
What's your توجيهي lore?
لماذا لا يستجيب الله لدعاءنا ؟
سؤال للخوال و الخالات
في دمشق عم يدرسو قرار فصل الجنسين بلباص . هل بتشوف الفكرة حلوة تتطبق عنا ؟
This sub needs a reminder of why ideologies are bad
Civilization must be defended
To people who joined the subreddit before 2020.
Is it worth it?
That one MF
The car joke is stolen
الملحد العكروت
الدراسه في اميركا
I'm giving up on English literature
العلمنية اللعينة