So I discovered the beauty that is Sivir... But.
How to get an S ?
Advice on Playing Against Draven?
What's the deal with Libby?
does this still work?
Guys i finally finished. Blackforst Anivia. I was actually thinking of painting it but it looked great with this color too. Wings are about 55cm
AP sivir
When do you buy cull?
Eyeball collection removal
My first, but definetly not the last, Miss Fortune penta(ignore the activate windows text pls)
Whats the easiest way to complete the shield quest for the freemel champion?
How to disable the "ability on cooldown" annoying sound?
This arurf is the most unbalanced one yet
How many LP are you getting per win and losing per lose?
How to lane with a non actove support
Ranked adc
Why has Naafiri not received any love, like Aurora has?
If you aren't first pick, I'm banning Swain. Get over it.
what's your absolutely perfect enemy team comp of "oh my god this game is going to suck"
Looking for champ to OTP
Autofill sucks
Three Honors Rewards
I'm doing it for the Kalista Bros. Rank 7 Worlds - Rank 5 EUW. Time to shine.
can you do any wave management trick with W in the first wave?
Anivia is the best fantasy character ever made.