New hognose coming home next week, how do I make his life better?
Got a couple of new things for her
Male or female?
Shovel did not make it
Question on brumation
Jet is getting so big :)
I wish I could understand what is going on in his head
Is she underweight?
Why is he always sitting like this?
Any brain cells here?
Found this on Craigslist. They are keeping hognoses together?!
Thinking about getting one
she came out to say hi (and hissed of course)
She has a cute heart on her neck
Fear of my snake
let me poorly doodle your hoggies!!
How to make a hognose get used to new environment?
I want to get into snakes.
Happy face))
First time dealing with a hunger strike..any tips?
New baby hog. Name suggestions?
How to know the size of meal for hognose?
Morph ID
Alduin the destroyer
Tail turned white