Ben Duerr of Shadow of Intent might be an abuser (not clickbait)
Koalitionsverhandlungen zwischen ÖVP und FPÖ sind gestoppt
[DFT] Aetherdrift draft archetypes (from the box insert)
Wo kann man in Wien japanisches Melonenbrot kaufen?
Maro's Aetherdrift Teaser
What was your memory of your first pack
Hay, I recently had the doubt of which cards are from the plane of Kaldheim that are not in the set of Kaldheim nor in Kaldheim commander decks, and I need help.
"Treuelied" auf Begräbnis: Staatsanwaltschaft beantragt Auslieferung von drei FPÖ-Abgeordneten
Room cards
Looking for a specific card
Welche sind eure Go-to scharfen Saucen?
Wise men of sun and moon by Jacob at Monument Tattoo, Vienna, Austria
Welcher Radiosender erinnert uns hier daran, dass es 12:28 ist?
Mir egal, wenn mein Haus im Hintergrund abfackelt, weil ich den Topflappen voll in die Flammen geworfen habe
Question from Japanese native
Shashingo is coming out today, a game for learning Japanese while taking photos
Man in the moon by Jacob, guest artist at Tiger&Dragon Tattoo in Vienna, Austria
Best place/website to buy steam deck in Vienna?
Durch welche österreichische Hauptstadt fließt kein Fluss?
Drop some bands in the comments that have less than 1000 monthly’s so I can go listen and support them!
What's your first language? (if not English)
Huhn Ganbian Favoriten?
good siege offense comp for Malite?
Devil Maiden skill preview
Just pulled Amduat, what situations is he used in