I’m honestly so tired of comments about how young I look and “Are you the doctor?”
Biggest human poop is from a viking. Found in York, England in 1972 at 20cm long
Feeling absolutely terrible but guilty about calling in sick
When a practice is being sold, does it include the equipment?
Dentist’s salary
How do you determine if an office has enough active patients for an associate?
What makes more sense?
What dental subscriptions you think really worth it for you and why?
Placed my first implant and it’s not great and now I won’t sleep for four months…
Answering the “how much do you produce?”, question.
For the non owners on here, do you do temp work? Why or why not?
Learning clear aligner systems as a beginner
If patients wants an implant for #8 but they have significant malocclusion.
First time renewing ADA and I f’d up
New to investing. Have a question about IRA
Should I walk away from this financial advisor.
Other higher paying careers I can go into after DDS? (Ex. CAA, MD,...)
SSC Hands On CE Course
Thread for new associates
Quitting my job. How to handle undelivered crowns?
Struggling with hospital dentistry (gpr)
Ive noticed most OS use resorbable sutures for most procedures,implant plcmnts,full thickness flaps....
Should I leave?
Heartland Dental Interview
Temping as a new grad?