Is girl in red transphobic?
I’m back home. We are separating
AITA for not lettinng my ex introduce the woman he cheated with to our kids?
People who ignored a compulsion, what's your story?
I (m21) slapped my girlfriend (f20) out of reflex when i woke up to her doing certain things to me.
AITA for refusing to call my sister by a different name?
AITA for wanting to report my doctor, who also happens to be my sister’s lifelong best friend, for telling her I’m on vyvanse - a total HIPAA violation?
Mum, Who never hurt a fly in her life made the most obnoxious statements to my gf and I don't know how to fix it.
I’m going to propose tonight
Wtf is this :-)
This is my drink order every time I go into work. Thoughts
Fellow Autistic/ADHD Partners
Tbh idk if it’s fake it just seems so forced
Are these darker bits in a Caramel Ribbon Crunch normal? I have never noticed them when ordering before.
Starbucks announced new student loan repayment tools and a savings account program for all U.S. employees who are not union members
AITA for expecting my ex husband to provide for me?
AITA for not wanting to be touched
My hamster just died, but I was able to bring her back to life
If someone were to ask you “What does OCD genuinely feel like?” How would you respond?
whats stopping you from killing someone
AITA for bringing my baby to a child-free wedding?
Reddit's karma system contradicts the site's purpose.
Disappointed in this sub today
what is a.... songtive???
AITA For Declining A Haircut Appointment My Mom Set Up