You've been given $1000 with the stipulation that you must spend it on cards for Commander. What do you buy with it?
What are your favorite Bloomburrow commanders?
Feedback on my beginner Sidar Jabari/Knights deck
Released my first game today, play now for free on Itch
Lanie Gardner - Dreams by Fleetwood Mac (Cover)
I think boardwipes are in the same category as land destruction.
Infinite combos in commander
I guess I have to build her again. To build a budget or not?
A bunch of magic the gathering cards im trying to sell but i dont know a thing
What's the secret to trimming an 18 month old's fingernails?
Bumbleflower tribal help
Commodore Guff help!
Incest games
Is there any NSFW card game?
Kaya’s Ghost Form vs Damn
Everybody hates my deck
Most fun +1/+1 counter Commander?
Looking for a playtester :3
Anikthea Deck Help
Muldrotha help
In what way is Aetherdrifts powercreep real?
Sidar Jabari of Zhalfir deck help!
Muldrotha, the Gravetide EDH
Good Card?
My take on Ms. Bumbleflower