is it oppression or bad if my bf tells me i can’t post myself anywhere, have myself as my profile picture or even post with my friends?
do they truly believe they are the victims?
New therapist fired me just 12 minutes into the first session.
Women, do you have irregular periods?
It makes me so fidgety and horny
What is your Mars and which people piss you off the most?
What’s your sun sign and what trait do you wish you didn’t have
What's your sign and how indecisive are you?
What's you experience upping from 300mg to 450mg? How long did it take you to adjust?
the worse placement for venus
What are some stereotypes/traits about your sign that are not true for you?
Why is the Narc a Stalker?
What's your experience upping from 300 XR to 450? And why did you up you does?
What sign is this?
What’s the wrong impression people always seem to have about you?
Can you relate to the common traits of your sun sign?
What is your rising sign and what is your style
What are your big 3 and are you punctual or chronically late?
What’s your moon sign and which artists/bands do you listen to/resonate with?
Are you with the sign that you are astrologically compatible with. How many people are with their opposite ?
How does your sexual partner know when you're triggered and that they should stop? Without you needing to literally ask them to stop.
Grandpa's cognitive abilities is worst than ever. Is it delirium? Why does this happen? Does it get better?
All of my air Venus sign hook ups have been terrible in bed.. who was your worst Venus sign hook up?
On behalf of all Virgos
Did you know who you were going to end up with?