PS3 is still fun
Debating on moving from Jacksonville
My poor Dachshund ate a bee
This is Nellie. She is experiencing her first bad hair day. Please give her a moment.
College at 36, am I too old?
What makes you feel like you became 1% better today?
What did you do that made you better at socializing with people?
If two members of Branch 101 fused together which fusion would be the best
What game comes to mind?
M 32 industrial maintenance
A or B? Which one would you click?
How can i improve my life as a 15 year old
A benefit of car dwelling. You learn how to challenge yourself.
22M - 9th Month in Car Sales
Man, breakups are rough.
First day being homeless
T1s ad T3s, what has been the best and worst AM and OM that you have worked with?
22M an ex friend of me asked me to see a selfie of me the other day and after I sent her one she said I “scared her” and that I’m ugly, that’s been living rent free in my head since so please cheer me up
I’m cooked. How do I prepare for homelessness?
Which one of you lazy packers was it?
Got this GameCube for free from my friend
To all fellow redditors here, when did you got your first kiss?
AMA: 25 Years Old, Never Had a Friend, Never Experienced "Normal" Life
Little memorial of the employee that passed away at IAH1 this week