Be honest, how many times have you bought this game? Mines 5
Action scene in an Indian movie
What was your favourite mainline prequel/sequel?
Does anyone still play the simsons arcade
How Did You Get To Know Final Fantasy For The Very First Time, What Is Your Story?
Just got gifted all this
Why Does GOW: Judgment Get So Much Hate?
Reactions to playing in public not good
Do you want Shepard to return? Why or why not?
I'm so tired
What games don't run?
Unfortunately ending
Is this a good Cyclops color? If not, give me some suggestions!
What would you name this gadget
Can people say something postive about this game and to hype me up and just bought it for 10$ on sale.
Episode 283: Does Order Matters?
Did I mess up?
Help getting bag(s)
I think G4 might be the one boss battle I prefer in the original Resident Evil 2 over the remake.
When you stumble on the perfect spot, plan to build a big base and then get distracted by the idea of finding the perfect staff... How do you maintain focus in this game, ever?
Unpopular opinion: These ships are ugly as F***
Discover 8 systems - pity the souls who run this later....
This is the best picture I've ever taken.