Are All Flights in the U.S. This Expensive? Looking for Cheaper Options
Are all flights in US this expensive, or am I looking at it wrong?
Name the Bollywood song
Today at the protest!
Does anyone else think the song Mujhe Peene Do by Darshan Raval send the wrong message about dealing with breakups?
Who are you reviving ?
Which anime character are you reviving?
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
I'm like an Emotionless Robot—How Do I Start Feeling Again?
What country is this ? Wrong answers only
[COD] Tell me the best call of duty
Your gf tells you she’s pregnant, what’s your reaction?
Will you be my friend?
Gf told me she cheated on me
Trying to get a comment from every person in the US (Day 1)
Day 1 of getting a comment from every county (I may not get every comments county, sorry if I do not on the first day)
Strings, Winds/Brass or Percussion?
guess what state i live in?
Solace Between the Pages
In the Shadows of Laughter
Do you just want to watch the world burn?
Tell me the instrument that you play
Barber creates Thomas F**** Shelby out of hair
Tommy Shelby (the cat) has cancer ):