At Panera about to get really weird.
Set list
I like buying sealed "retro" games and opening them to play
Holy shit we know Kanye has lost it
Damn are you guys all going to post the same screenshots without looking lmao
Thoughts on Chromakopia? Rate each song 1/10, im only at Judge Judy due to me being too lazy to sit and listen to it all but I will and come back here
Tour shirt
Could this mean that Paris Texas and lil Yachty will alternate on who plays most each time?
I got matched up against a 99 everything 7'3 in proving grounds (PC)
Proof your myplayer is not really a 99.... Hes an 85
Tour merch exclusivity question
Playlist for just Yachty and Paris Texas sets
For those who went to the first tour stop, how was your experience out of 10?
Anybody know how long the concert is?
was I the only one that heard him ask “How we doin’ Milwaukee!”?
openers did great!!!
Here is 2SEATER
Was at St Paul's show, AMA.
Chromakopia Tour Merch
Arrival Time at Xcel Show?
Excited to add luka to my Lakers collection!
Any changes you’d make to this build for nearby animation and badge thresholds?
This is what the Fortnite BR map looked like in September, 2017
Is the show getting too good?