Did Lukazs dip again?
Is that an aoh reference???
Which country is gone?
Trump isnt a _____
Hitler was exiled to Morocco
Goering is not the same anymore
No way
Did I improve Earth? Any changes you'd like to see?
The return
Burkina Faso has passed a bill to nationalize and transfer land ownership to the state.
Grazie elii❤️ (so che non lo leggeranno mai, ma sti cazzi)
Why it has to be like that
Saddest moments in history
how is this possible
Now this is my kind of Cold War borders.
When will they ever realise?
Rate my encirclement
I'm a Jew. Is that ok?
Which country is this? Wrong answers only
Mine Craft
which country is this?!?!(wrong answers)
what do you think about my cat
The most ordinary player in EaW
The start of WW1 if Bismarck annexed Bohemia after the Prussian-Austrian war (Brothers War)