Stolen goods and Uber says to break it
Most people don’t rate Eats and when they do it’s BS. Exhibit A.
Just got banned over an 88% satisfaction rate?
Uber courier $45 more. DON'T USE IT!
Fuck you for deleting my post.
My uber rating has been steadily dropping. At what point will I be at risk of being kicked off the platform?
Why would a driver have a rating of 3.35?
Driver said my tip was disrespectful
Why am i getting an email from Elon_ Musk_ ?
Uber full time.
They called me a liar.
Uber, Stop your illegal practices against your non employees drivers!
I’ll go be homeless now
First day driving & I got hit on & asked out on a date 🙄
Is this really necessary? My dealer is recommending this.
Can I ask drivers to not go on their phones?
Just or Irresponsible?
Uber driver crossing the lines
0 percent acceptance rate achieved! 😄 Read my acceptance speech below👇🏾 :
Picked up a fellow Uber driver
Guaranteed ride back BS
I did the impossible.
I need help with renting a car to drive Uber but…
Introducing UberCharity where you drive people and give Uber your money